Pump System Optimization: A Guide for Improved Energy Efficiency, Reliability, and Profitability


This guidebook is intended to assist those who need to understand details of pump system optimization coupled with important capital equipment decisions. It presents practical information for those who have not had broad exposure to pumping systems and for those who wish to improve the systems for which they are responsible.

The ultimate goal of this guidebook is to educate those designing pumps and the systems in which the pumps are applied to minimize energy consumption while maximizing reliability with consideration of the associated life cycle costs for the systems we collectively rely on every day.

Pump system design engineers, pump manufacturers, motor and variable speed equipment manufacturers, end users (owners), contractors, pump system assessors and trainers focused on optimizing new or existing pumping systems will benefit from the information provided in this guidebook.

  • Overview of pump fundamentals for rotodynamic and positive displacement pumps
  • Fundamentals of pump and system interaction
  • Efficiency, reliability and maintenance of pump systems
  • Describes energy assessments and how to conduct assessments on pump systems
  • Methods to evaluate and optimize new and existing pump systems
  • Demonstrates the business case for optimization through life cycle cost analysis
  • Case studies demonstrate the value added from optimization for several applications
  • Shaft sealing impacts on optimizing a pump system for efficiency and reliability

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Pump System Optimization: A Guide for Improved Energy Efficiency, Reliability, and Profitability


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