
Since 1917, HI has been contributing technical expertise and intellectual resources through the creation of a myriad of resources which are created to serve the industry as a whole. This work is completed by our committees that are comprised of volunteers and designated HI staff. Each committee is responsible for a particular publication or initiative and meets until the particular deliverable is completed or as directed by the governing body of the Institute.

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What Committees Produce

The responsibility of a committee depends on what sector of the Institute a committee falls under: Education and Training, Certification Programs, Technical Affairs, Government and Regulatory Affairs, Member Services. That said, the majority of the committees within HI fall under Technical Affairs, and are working to develop standards and guidelines approved by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

Each committee within the Technical Affairs sector of HI is responsible for creating, revising or reaffirming a publication or product. HI Technical Affairs committees can produce any one of the following:

  • ANSI/HI Standards or Guideline
  • HI White Paper
  • HI Guideline
  • HI Program Guideline
  • HI Specification
  • HI Guidebook
  • Pump Systems Matter Educational Product (i.e. webinars, case studies, and short courses)

Each committee within the Technical Affairs sector of HI is responsible for creating, revising or reaffirming a publication or product. HI Technical Affairs committees can produce any one of the following:

Our Committees

Committees within the Technical Affairs section are categorized into different topics seen below.

  • Systems Section

    Committees within the System Section address topics and concerns that effect pumping systems.

    • Commercial Building Services Pump Application Guidebook
    • Power Plant Pump Application Guidebook
    • Wastewater Treatment Plan Pump Application Guidebook
    • Water Treatment Plan Pump Application Guidebook
    • Water Booster Pumping Stations Pump Application Guideline (Future Guidebook)
    • Pump System Optimization Guidebook
    • Variable Speed Pumping Guidebook
    • Life Cycle Cost Guidebook
    • Case Studies Committee
    • Waterhammer Committee
  • Rotodynamic Group

    Committees within the Rotodynamic Group write standards and guidelines about various topics that address Rotodynamic Pumps. Committees fall under four main sections:

    Design & Operation Section

    • ANSI/HI 9.6.2 Assessment of Applied Nozzle Loads
    • ANSI/HI 9.6.6 Pump Piping
    • ANSI/HI 9.8 Pump Intake Design
    • ANSI/HI 14.1-14.2 Nomenclature and Definitions
    • ANSI/HI 14.3 Design and Application
    • ANSI/HI 14.4 Manuals for Installation, Operation Maintenance Manuals
    • HI 14.5.1 Foundation Design (Future ANSI standard)
    • HI 14.5.2 Installation and Start-Up (Future ANSI standard)
    • HI 30.1 OH1 Specification

    Performance Section

    • ANSI/HI 9.6.1 Guideline for NPSH Margin
    • ANSI/HI 9.6.3 Guideline for Operating Regions
    • ANSI/HI 9.6.4 Vibration Measurement and Allowable Values
    • ANSI/HI 9.6.5 Guideline for Condition Monitoring
    • ANSI/HI 9.6.7 Guideline for Effects of Viscosity on Performance
    • ANSI/HI 9.6.8 Guideline for Dynamics of Pumping Machinery
    • HI 20.3 Guideline for Pump Efficiency Prediction

    Testing Section

    • ANSI/HI 11.6 Submersible Pumps for Hydraulic Performance, Hydrostatic Pressure, Mechanical and Electrical Acceptance Tests
    • ANSI/HI 14.6 Hydraulic Performance Acceptance Test
    • HI 14.7 Guideline for Hydraulic Performance Field Testing (Future ANSI standard)
    • HI 40.6 Pump Efficiency Testing
    • White Paper: Effects of Selecting a Test Acceptance Grade
    • White Paper: Specifications of Test Acceptance Grades

    Application Specific Section

    • ANSI/HI 5.1-5.6 Sealless Pumps for Nomenclature, Definition, Application, Operation and Test
    • ANSI/HI 12.1-12.6 Slurry Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation and Test
    • Fire Pump Committee
    • White Paper: Vibration Characteristics of Stationary Engine Driven Pump Systems
  • General Standards

    Committees within the General Standards section create content regarding general practices and guidelines that pertain to the industry.

    • Engineering Data Library
    • ANSI/HI 9.1-9.5 Pumps General Guidelines
    • ANSI/HI 9.7.4 Guideline for Vibration Troubleshooting and Corrective Actions
    • HI 50.7 Electric Data Exchange
    • HI Definitions Committee
  • Positive Displacement Group

    Committees within the Positive Displacement Group write standards and guidelines about various topics that address Positive Displacement Pumps. Committees fall under four main sections:

    Air Operated Section

    • ANSI/HI 10.1-10.5 Air Operated Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation
    • ANSI/HI 10.6 Air Operated Pump Tests

    Rotary Section

    • ANSI/HI 3.1-3.5 Rotary Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation
    • ANSI/HI 3.6 Rotary Pump Tests
    • ANSI/HI 4.1-4.6 Sealless Magnetically Driven Rotary Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation
    • ANSI/HI 9.6.9 Rotary Pump Guideline for Condition Monitoring

    Controlled Volume Metering Section

    • ANSI/HI 7.1-7.5 Controlled-Volume Metering Pumps Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation
    • ANSI/HI 7.6 Controlled-Volume Metering Pump Tests
    • ANSI/HI 7.8 Controlled-Volume Metering Pump Piping Guideline

    Reciprocating Section

    • HI 6.1-6.5 Reciprocating Pumps for Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation
    • HI 6.6 Reciprocating Pump Tests
    • HI 8.1-8.5 Direct Acting Pumps Nomenclature, Definitions, Application, Operation
  • Associate Member Council

    The committees within the Associate Member Council develop documents and programs that mutually benefit both the associate and regular members. Committees fall under four main sections:


    • Couplings for the Pump Industry Selection, Installation, and Maintenance

    Drives and Controls

    • Variable Frequency Drives Guidebook
    • Drivers Application Guidebook
    • White Paper: Successful Coordination of Variable Frequency Drives in Pumping Systems

    Housing and Seals

    • Mechanical Seals Guidebook
    • White Paper: Proper Lubrication Methods for Bearings

    Monitoring Devices and Instrumentation

    • IoT Guidebook

We Are an ANSI Accredited Standards Developer

As the voice of the U.S. standards and conformity assessment system, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) empowers its members and constituents to strengthen the U.S. marketplace position in the global economy while helping to assure the safety and health of consumers and the protection of the environment.

To abide with ANSI policy and procedures, committees within HI operate under the ANSI Essential Requirements:

  • Due Process – Fair and equitable playing field which applies to any person (organization, company, government agency, individual, etc.) with direct/material interest
  • Openness – Allow Access to all that want to participate
  • Balance – No single interest category constitutes a majority of the membership of a consensus body dealing with other than safety-related standards
  • Consensus – When negative votes are received, HI is required by ANSI to make all attempts to amicably resolve the issue(s) in contention.
  • Interested in participating in ANSI ballots? Please fill out the Areas of Expertise Form and return to to be included in invitations for future ballots.
  • A copy of the HI approved procedures may be requested via email at

Benefits of Committee Membership

  • Work alongside other industry professionals to ensure your products are designed, specified, tested, applied installed and operated to industry best practices
  • Ensure your points of view are taken into consideration
  • Professional development and opportunity to lead a committee of your peers
  • Opportunity to present educational product following completion of product
  • Networking with your peers

Interested in participating in committees at HI?

We are always working here at HI. Please refer to our Committee’s Seeking Members PDF to see what committees are actively recruiting members or contact us at to see which committee might be the best fit for you.

Our Committees are Now on Microsoft Teams

In 2021, HI leadership decided to migrate committee collaboration to Microsoft Teams. Committee meetings and file sharing will be conducted through this platform. To learn more please click here.


  • Employees of Member and Partner organizations (Members, Associate Members, or Standards Partners), industry and academic partners, and invited experts are eligible to volunteer on HI Committees
  • Each Member organization can have 1 vote per committee. Alternates committee members are permitted

Download the HI Committee Handbook

The Committee Handbook was written to provide guidance to anyone involved in the development of an HI publication. Prepared by HI staff, the Handbook was reviewed and approved by the sitting Vice-President of Technical Affairs, the Chair of the Standards Committee, and a workgroup of tenured volunteers to ensure quality and efficacy. Download Here.

Interested in Joining HI?