$10 MM Available from U.S. Department of Energy for Pumps with Qualifying HI Energy Rating

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) is providing rebates for pumps, fans, and compressors that meet minimum energy requirements. The rebate program aims to help reduce the cost of making energy efficient upgrades, and the types of businesses that are most likely to benefit are ones with large motor driven pump loads that are operating without variable speed controls.

Category: Blogs, Energy Efficiency, PSM Newsletter October 31, 2023

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains (MESC) is providing rebates for pumps, fans, and compressors that meet minimum energy requirements. The rebate program aims to help reduce the cost of making energy efficient upgrades, and the types of businesses that are most likely to benefit are ones with large motor driven pump loads that are operating without variable speed controls. The rebates are available to facilities that utilize commercial and industrial pumps such as manufacturing facilities, commercial buildings, and municipalities.

There are two distinct classes of eligible entities for the incentive program. The first includes entities that purchased a qualifying pump or other extended product and completed its installation between October 1, 2021, and September 30, 2023. The second includes owners of equipment that was redesigned to newly incorporate an extended product if that upgrade was completed between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022. For both classes, the extended product system must be installed within the United States or its territories and meet the technical and efficiency specifications.

For the extended product system, i.e., pump inclusive of the electric motor and electronic control (Variable Frequency Drive, VFD), it must operate at least 75% of the time at or below 75% of the maximum design flow, operate at least 2,000 hours per year, and have a PEIVL less than or equal to or HI Energy Rating value greater than or equal to the values specified in the table below. The HI Energy Rating value can be found on the Energy Rating Database at er.pumps.org. For constant load rated pumps (PEICL) in the HI Energy Rating Database, which have a VFD added later in commerce, the HI Energy Rating Certificate program can be used to calculate the variable load HI Energy Rating and Certificate that is inclusive of the VFD installed with the pump.

Equipment Class*Qualifying Criteria Maximum š¯‘·š¯‘¬š¯‘°š¯‘½š¯‘³Qualifying Criteria Minimum ER**

*Equipment class designations consist of a combination (in sequential order separated by periods) of: (1) An equipment family (ESCC = end suction close-coupled, ESFM = end suction frame mounted/own bearing, IL = in-line, RSV = radially split, multi-stage, vertical, in-line diffuser casing, ST = submersible turbine; (2) nominal speed of rotation (1800 = 1800 rpm, 3600 = 3600 rpm); and (3) VL = variable load. ** ER = (1-PEIVL)*100

The total value of a rebate depends on the power rating of the extended product system. The rebate is calculated by adding together the nameplate rated horsepower of the motor and the nameplate rated horsepower of the electronic control, then multiplying that sum by $25. For example, if the motor has a nameplate rating of 7 horsepower and the electronic control has a nameplate rating of 10 horsepower, the rebate would be $25 Ć— (10 + 7) = $425. The total amount any single entity can receive across all rebates is capped at $25,000 per calendar year. MESC will solicit applications until funds are expended.

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to review the programā€™s full guidelines to determine their eligibility on the program website. To view Energy Rating values for pumps, search the ER Database at er.pumps.org. Manufacturerā€™s sales representatives that have sold qualifying equipment are encouraged to engage with their customers to let them know about this opportunity.



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